Business Models and Revenue Sources of Unchained Intellect Press

At Unchained Intellect Press, we are committed to advancing knowledge and supporting the academic community by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarly books. We employ a hybrid publishing model, offering both open access and commercial options to meet the diverse needs of our authors and readers. Below, we detail our business models and significant sources of revenue.

1. Open Access Publishing

Model Description:

Revenue Sources:

2. Commercial Publishing

Model Description:

Revenue Sources:

3. Hybrid Options

Model Description:

Revenue Sources:

4. Additional Revenue Streams

Commitment to Transparency

At Unchained Intellect Press, we believe in transparency and ethical practices in all our business dealings. We are dedicated to providing our authors, readers, and partners with clear, comprehensive information about our publishing models and revenue sources. We adhere strictly to the principles of fairness in academic publishing and strive to maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.